
Saturday 16 June 2012


Hello everyone!! I'm Kuheli, a Bengali lady, with a passion for world cuisine. I thought I might start my own blog to share my passion with thousands of other amature chefs like me.

In my blog I'll share my experience with world food and the recipes for some wonderful dishes from all over the world and how they can be modified to suit Indian taste buds.

I find it absolutely amazing how a person who has never tasted pork or beef in his or her life can get addicted to beef steak or pork chops... or a vegetarian can also eat food from different countries, with just a minor adjustments in the ingredients and cooking style.

Over the last few years, while I was learning more about world cuisines, my two teen age sons were picking up cooking and innovating dishes behind my back. Now both of them can easily rustle up a meal for four (many more, in case of the younger one). So, while I write about my dishes, I will also incorporate the versions innovated by my sons.

Food is a necessity, but for the home makers who hates to cook it's a real punishment. It is also very tiresome for a busy executive, at the end of the day. So why not find out easy ways to make food a fun.

I will be really happy if any of you want to come forward and share your own ways to adopt world cuisines or even share some of your easy cooking methods for lazy chefs. Lets create a Fun Zone for Foods and bring World Cuisines in an Indian Kitchen.

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